5 Ways to Work During Lockdown

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5 Ways to Work During Lockdown

Lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic is affecting the world and many do not have the luxury to work from home. However, many companies are allowing their employees to work from home. It is really a privilege that most people do not seem to appreciate, while others are still showing up at work so that they could provide for the family. Things still cost money right?

Although so many are given this privilege to work from the comfort of home, many struggle to actually be productive. Either people tend to work more than usual or a smile task starts at 9am, however, until 4pm also the work is not done yet. There are many people who think working from home is a distraction. However, there are these 7 tips and tricks you could follow to be more productive and efficiently give the result.

Remember, it is not just work, it is a mindset! You are the same person no matter where you go, a location should not be an issue, it’s the work you should be more concerned about. And here is how you could professionally work from home.

Getting Ready 

Just like how you do on your regular day when the coronavirus pandemic was not an issue all over the world. Firstly wake up at the same time when you have to go to work on your regular days, fix your bed, just like how you used to do during normal days. Do the same routine during the lockdown as well. You will find out you have an hour or so extra in your hands. This one hour either plan the day or just enjoy your time with the family or if you are someone who enjoys your alone time, this is the best one hour of your day. 

Set up a clean table or a office space

Create a space where you think you could work. It does not have to be a whole room. It could be just your laundry room, a small corner in your house or an apartment. Set up a table  just like how you have at your work desk in the office. A laptop, notebook, pen, charging port for your phones and may be a small plant. Do not crowd the table. Lockdown could be one of the best times to be more productive and work from home.

Dress Up Well

During regular days when you go for work, you spend a lot of your precious time getting ready. Take time to get ready during the lockdown. Just because you are going to be at home does not mean you do not have to brush your hair and just hangout in your night clothes. You do not have to wear your suit or a dress. However, this will give you the mindset to work more professionally. And hey, if you accidentally turn on the video during the conference call, you would not look like you just woke up. If not wear clean clothes a T-shirt or a jeans that you would wear to work on fridays. 

Work your normal hours

It is understandable that you do not and cannot leave the house. However, your work is going to be 9a-5p, Monday through Friday. There is no denying that you have to give the results of those 40 hours a week. It is working from home, not vacationing at home. The best part about scheduling daily and setting a milestone weekly, is that you know what time you have meetings or calls and when is your lunch break.

Start your work at 9am and you will find out that it does not take till 5pm to finish the job. The task actually only takes till 3pm, leaving you with 2 more extra hours in your hands. Since you have this freedom and more time, you could actually eat lunch at 3pm or stick to your 1pm lunch hour. The best part is that you can eat clean and healthy food with your family. Perhaps, you could work on your dream project or learn a new language these extra hours. 

Be mindful about the time

We tend to always be alert if we work from home and carry our laptops or our work phones everywhere we go. The main reason to create a workspace is that you avoid work calls or work itself after the working hour is over. If you are sincere with your working hours and productivity, you do not have to worry about the message every time your phone pings. Be mindful about the time and work your scheduled hours. Besides, you have your sanity and your family that is important to you to continue working from home a healthy way. 

Working from home could be an alien concept to you and never thought this day will come in your life. You may have ran from home to skip all the noise and distraction. However, take this lockdown time and to be working from home is a privilege. Stay home Stay Safe.

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