Career Choice for a Fresher

Selecting a career may sound intimidating for a many college graduates and students attending school. When you are just in high school or just trying to figure out your major in college, how possibly could anyone decide for a career? A career path to select in may be so much pressure, when you can slightly decide what you want for breakfast? This has left many students confused about their future. They could sense they don’t have any stress for until few years, however, after you become senior and graduate, you have already got the stress to start paying off the students loan, before struggling to find a job.
Many college graduates are on path unknown to them right after they graduate and do not know which career path to choose. In this fast paced age, where things changes too fast, its ok to be confused about where to go but there are also parts you can choose to be more confident when you start your professional life.
Try many things
College is a wonderful time to try different things in life. There are clubs, organization, programs and many other opportunities for students that you can try. There are so many resources that you can get access to, volunteer at places which you would find interesting etc. These are the things that will help you realize what you really want to do in life and what makes you whole.
Know what you enjoy doing
There are four years in the college. These precious years will train you to become who you want to be and what you want to do. Research shows that if you do something, continuously for 30 days it becomes a habit. So, why not choose a good habit and find out what you enjoy doing the most! You might love selling your idea, make something better, you can probably write a great proposal, love to research. Find out what you enjoy doing what you are doing.
What drives you?
The amazing four years of your life when you can decide and take any path that you want. These are the most precious years of you life because you get a flavor of a lot of things in a short span of time, places to expolore, things to do, find your passion. In these four years, you get zest of about anything you want to do and see what you love doing the most. Find out what you are really passionate, what brings meaning to your life and things that you do on a regular basis. If those things you do actually benefits others and you wake up and look forwards to doing the same thing again.
Is it serving others?
Anything that you do should help yourself and also help others. If things that you are doing are not helping others, then it is probably not worth it. The things that wake you up and keeps you motivated and which gives back to the community are the things that you would like to invest your time on. Those things that drives you, makes you happy and servers others are the places where you should do, things you should want to do because it will go beyond your happiness and satisfaction.
Is it stressful?
This is so tricky! When you are in college you have so much energy that you could sleep for couple of hours and would be ready to go for the next day. When you have your social life, work and exams to catch up on and you are still trying to do so many things. If something makes you exhausted and takes more than what it gives then, you are not spending time and investing your energy properly. If same thing repeats and takes away a lot of energy from you then, it is not what drives you and serving yourself or anybody else.
College year is one of the most amazing and precious time of your life. Use it to know what you love doing. If anything takes a lot of energy from you then think twice before investing anymore time doing it or if any person does the same to you.