5 Must Haves on a e-commerce Website

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5 Must Haves on a e-commerce Website

E-commerce websites have created opportunities for buying and selling anything you need with a click of a button.  For a seller, save the rent, not having to sit in a store and just having to keep stocks of inventory piled up. The benefits are tremendous for both buyers and sellers. However, if the e-commerce websites does not have the key features, then, an e-commerce website would be another frustrating places to buy and sell. There are some key features and some of the must haves for any e-commerce that makes a shopping made easy.

The best websites mostly follows 3 click rules. This means, a website visitor should get to what they are looking for in 3 clicks. Similar rules apply to the e-commerce websites; this is crucial part as a business for both buyer and seller.

Here are some must-haves for e-commerce websites:

1. All Platform Friendly

The busy lives, metro lives and the lives with no time to waste in going to a shopping malls and grocery stores. Busy work lives have made our time for all the other stuff limited. People do things on the go and shopping is one of the most time consuming work for busy lives. We have started working from our mobile phones. The easiest things are to have the availability of stuff you want to buy online, with the checkout feature on tip of your finger. Therefore, the mobile friendly feature for any ecommerce websites is one of a must!

2. Easy to Use platform

Once a user, always a user! To make this statement applicable and keep your loyal customer faithful to the website, make sure the website is an easy to use design regardless of what devices they use. Regardless of types of phone they use, an easy to use design would make it easier for anybody shop and keep them coming back. Oldpinch is one of the favorite websites to buy and search for your favorite products.

3. High Resolution Photos on Website & Social Media

The products of photos should be high resolutions. The eye-catching photos always attract the right kind of buyer who is most likely to buy. A high-resolution image always catches attention for any potential buyer.  A blurred or low quality images makes a bad impression of not only the product, but also, the website they shop from. Additionally, a business needs a lifetime and loyal customer. Many customers would be redirected to the website if the products are also on social media.  Social media plays a vital role to market the business and the products available on your e-commerce platform.

4. Enticing, Spur Sales & Return Policy

Everybody loves sale, loyalty points, coupons or any kind of discounts on their favorite products. This helps in marketing not only the fast moving products, but also, marketing of your online business. It would take no second thought for a consumer to buy a product for your platform. Happy customers always have great things to say about the products and the platform. Additionally, if there are clear return policy that a consumer can rely on, would help a business grow, because any e-commerce website should be flexible in the returning policy and happiness of a customer.

5. Security Elements to Protect Your Buyers

A buyer with a surety that a bank or personal information would not be misused in any e-commerce platform is another most important feature of a e-commerce website. Esewa and Khalti provides amazing platform for a secure checkout without getting a consumer’s information being compromised. The security element to protect a buyer is a must have for any e-commerce.

For the best e-commerce platform Asteriskhubs team all over the world, have the amazing team members and experienced professionals to understand your business need and build an e-commerce website.

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